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7 newspapers to inspire you in April

Newspaper Club Print Roundup: 7 Newspapers to Inspire you in April 2023

Every month, we put together a roundup to show all the creative ways our customers use newspapers. In this edition: a mix-and-match wardrobe lookbook, recipes for kimchi lovers and a literary magazine that's back in print after 18 years – plus more! Keep scrolling for 7 newspapers to inspire you in April.

Innocent Drinks brand newspaper printed by Newspaper Club

Juicy headlines

Drinks brand innocent added a quirky touch to a customer event with this newspaper, written in their characteristically playful style. Alongside practical product and brand details are fake horoscopes and fun headlines – like “flamingos consider copyright claim” above a snippet about their new pink smoothie.

The team “got a kick out of bringing the innocent look and feel to the newspaper format,” says copywriter David Kay. And the digital tabloid was a hit with customers, too. David says: “Little touches like this can make a big difference. There aren’t a lot of brands that encourage this kind of behaviour but, luckily for us, innocent is one of them.” Designed by Abby Hudspith.

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Cooking with Kimchi zine created by Sue Chef Kimchi. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Kimchi cookbook

Sue Bailey started running virtual kimchi-making workshops from her kitchen in Portland, Oregon during the pandemic. Today she delivers her small-batch ferments to over 90 households as part of her small business, Sue Chef Kimchi.

Sue’s daughter, creative producer Kyra Bailey, collected some of her mom’s most-loved kimchi-based recipes in this digital mini as a gift for family. They were so happy with the results that they printed another run to share with customers – and quickly sold out of copies.

Cooking with Kimchi zine created by Sue Chef Kimchi. Printed by Newspaper Club.

“Our customers have been so excited about our newspaper!” says Kyra. “We’ve sold and shared over 100 copies and it’s helped us reach new clients and grow our kimchi network.”

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Another Aspect lookbook newspaper. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Mix-and-match lookbook

Danish clothing brand Another Aspect created this mix-and-match lookbook for a recent pop-up event in Copenhagen. Featuring a crisp white shirt on the front cover, the pages of the newspaper can be rearranged to assemble different outfits. “We wanted to convey the idea of ‘wardrobe staples’ that can easily complement other garments in your wardrobe,” explains designer Mollie Nord Sandvad. Printed on our digital tabloids (with custom trimming).

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ON PAPER zine by Justin Bramwell. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Offline inspiration

“An offline newspaper for online content” is how Justin Bramwell describes ON PAPER, a printed collection of the London-based designer’s Instagram Stories.

Originally just for friends and family, the digital mini can now be found on the carefully curated shelves at Shreeji News in London and Justin says there’s been demand for more issues.

ON PAPER zine by Justin Bramwell. Printed by Newspaper Club.

“It's been great for my mental health to reflect, curate and produce something physical,” he says. “I love the tactility and imperfections of newspaper. I also feel comfortable knowing it can be recycled easily.”

(Top tip from Justin: “Newspaper Cub’s sample pack was vital to get the colours and sizes correct. I’d recommend getting a pack as inspiration!”)

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The Face Zine by Pablo Delcan. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Making faces

One newspaper, countless faces. The Face Zine is a 16-page digital broadsheet filled with colourful face shapes designed by New York Times visual contributor Pablo Delcan. The zine comes with seven sheets of stickers to create an assortment of zany expressions:

The Face Zine by Pablo Delcan. Printed by Newspaper Club.

It’s a limited edition run of just 25 zines, each of them numbered and signed – grab one while you can from Pablo’s online store.

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Touchy Coffee brewing guide zine. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Brew news

Touchy Coffee is a specialty coffee roasting business in upstate New York and this is their guide to brewing great coffee at home. The digital tabloid, which is included in their subscription boxes and given away at events, opens up into a poster with their motto: “Coffee is a miracle and so are you.”

“I've dreamed of designing a project to be printed on newsprint for so long,” says founder (and designer) Felicity Jones. “When we needed to create a well-designed brew guide at a low cost, newsprint was the perfect option. Plus the fold-out poster looks incredibly cool on the salmon-colored paper!”

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Little Engines literary magazined edited by Adam Voith. Printed by Newspaper Club.

Print revival

After an 18-year hiatus, literary arts magazine Little Engines is back in print on our digital minis. The “micro-distributed” publication is a mix of fiction, comics, interviews, photos and essays, edited by Adam Voith with art direction from Marianna Fierro. “People are falling in love with it daily,” says Adam.

Print copies are free while supplies last, but we’d encourage you to give generously to their tip jar to keep the operation running.

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 Make your own newspaper with Newspaper Club. Print runs start at 1 copy!

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